A downloadable game


One afternoon, the principal walked into my classroom and told the students that the school was about to be demolished, please leave the campus in 4 hours.  (Lying on the table) And I fell asleep without paying much attention. When I woke up, it was already night, the students and teachers had left, and I was the only one left in the classroom.  After I explored in the classroom, I walked out and came to the corridor. The class bell rang, and a strange voice came to me.  "lets play hide and seek! hahahaha", I was so scared, the school's power was turned off, and I was locked in the school.  I have to use school props to support until 6am.


一天下午,校长走进我的教室跟学生们说,这个学校即将拆迁,请在4小时后离开校园。(趴在桌上)而我没怎么在意便睡着了,当我醒来时,已经是晚上了,学生和老师都走了,只剩下我一个人在课室里。 我在教室里探索了一番后,便走出了可是来到了走廊,上课铃声响起,诡异的声音向我传来。“lets play hide and seek!hahahaha”,我感到非常恐惧,学校的电源已经关了,我也被反锁在了学校。我必须利用学校的道具支撑到早上6点。


Intheclassroom.rar 30 MB

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